POST-POST | Proyecto Piraña


80 págs – 16×21 cm

Full color – Tapa laminada mate con laca sectorizada.

80 pages – Full Color
Edition Size: 500 copies
Perfect Binding

Purchases outside Argentina

Tapa por: Florencia Pernicone
Prólogo por: Lucas Santamarta

Ivana Boullon / Muriel Bellini / China / Andrea Dasil / Rip Gordon / Coni Marchini / Jo Murúa / Santiago Paredes / Florencia Pernicone / Feli Punch / Purazangre / Lucas Santamarta / Luxy Shangai / Juan Vegetal /

↓ (eng)

POST-POST, a collection of fourteen argentinean illustrators and visual artist sub-30. It aims to capture the sign of the times, when the artist’s visual language and narrative is thrown into question and draws its identity from the incidence of social media and the postmodern possibility of doing it all.
Art Cover: Florencia Pernicone
Prologue by: Lucas Santamarta



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